Our Mission

We are an employment agency where we provide services to young adults of Myanmar in receiving better employment and opportunities in Myanmar and overseas. By providing best services,we are responsible to fulfill our commitments to clients with a clear understanding of the urgency and accountability inherent in those commitments.

Young people of Myanmar, the opportunity for better employment in Japan and overseas, we aim to temporary staffing that provides a fast and reliable service for our clients needs.

tess donohoe illustration
jackie tran icon
christoph gromer lighter
cats in space
cats in space
cats in space
cats in space
cats in space
cats in space
Myanmar Heart Land Travels & Tours
Myanmar is one of the few countries where tea leaves are not only drunk, but eaten too. Pickled tea leaf is a national favourite and this salad called Laphet is often served at celebrations or ceremonies.
In old days, Myanmar artists made Myanmar style figures with movable limbs i.e. arms, legs, head etc. and tried to move these moving parts by playing/controlling strings connected to these movable parts so as the actions look like as human being. The puppets were well dressed as the people were used to wear.