Our Mission

We are an employment agency where we provide services to young adults of Myanmar in receiving better employment and opportunities in Myanmar and overseas. By providing best services,we are responsible to fulfill our commitments to clients with a clear understanding of the urgency and accountability inherent in those commitments.

Young people of Myanmar, the opportunity for better employment in Japan and overseas, we aim to temporary staffing that provides a fast and reliable service for our clients needs.

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cats in space
cats in space
cats in space
cats in space
cats in space
Myanmar Heart Land Travels & Tours
A historic capital,Bagan, known as city of tour million Pagodas, is the richest archaeological site in Asia. This enchanting city is situated on the eastern bank of the Ayeyarwaddy river about 193 km South of Mandalay.Once the centre of a glorius kingdom,ancient temples is the landscape as far as the eye can see. Today apart from spectacular sunset views and serene river cruises, Bagan is also the centre of the expanding Myanmar lacquer ware industry.
Mt. Popa is about 50km away from Bagan. It is about 45 minute drive from Nyaung Oo Airport, Bagan. Mt. Popa is an extinct volcano that is estimated to have erupted for the final time, over three hundred and twenty thousand years ago. It was situated 55km southeast of Bagan. Mt. Popa (Taungkalat) is popularly recognized as an abode of many “Nats” (spirits of ancient ancestors) who dwell in various parts of the mountain. In the older days, it was also referred as the “Mountain of Spirits”.
Zin-Kyaik Waterfall is located near the main road and rail line of Yangon-Dawei, near by Zin-Kyaik Village.It took only 3 hours drive from Yangon, Mon state.It is panoramic and apleasant place as a picnic sport.
During the course of several centuries thousands of Buddha images have been put inside the Pindaya cave in Shan State. Many statues bear the name of the person who donated it. The number of images is constantly growing since people are still adding more, by now there about 9,000.