Our Mission

We are an employment agency where we provide services to young adults of Myanmar in receiving better employment and opportunities in Myanmar and overseas. By providing best services,we are responsible to fulfill our commitments to clients with a clear understanding of the urgency and accountability inherent in those commitments.

Young people of Myanmar, the opportunity for better employment in Japan and overseas, we aim to temporary staffing that provides a fast and reliable service for our clients needs.

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cats in space
cats in space
cats in space
cats in space
cats in space
Myanmar Heart Land Travels & Tours
The Inlay lake, which measures 22 km long by 10 km wide, and sits in a valley between two mountain ranges, feels like a different world to the rest of Myanmar: in villages and towns across the lake, wooden houses are built high on stilts and fishermen steer their one-man boats with a unique rowing style, wrapping on leg around their oar.
Ngapali beach is one of the premier beach destination in Myanmar.Located on the Bay of Bengal coast in Rakhine State, its main feature is an idyllic stretch of white sand and palm tree-lined coast, with a number of resorts spread out next to traditional fishing villages
The Pyithu Hluttaw is the highest Organ of state power. It exercises the sovereign powers of the State on behalf of the people.
Myanmar is one of the most devout Buddhist countries in the world. About 89% of the people in Myanmar are Buddhist. People in Myanmar practice the Theravada Buddhism, which is more austere and ascetic, but also harder to practice than the Mahayana Buddhism, the other main branch of the Buddhism. Theravada Buddhism is also followed in Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Laos and Thailand. No one really knows, but experts estimates that in Myanmar live about half a million monks. It's customary for a male in Myanmar to enter a monastery twice in his life. Once as a samanera, a novice monk, between the age of 10 and 20, and again as a hpongyi, a fully ordained monk, sometime at the age of 20. Some might remain a monk for just a few days, while others stay for life.