Our Mission

We are an employment agency where we provide services to young adults of Myanmar in receiving better employment and opportunities in Myanmar and overseas. By providing best services,we are responsible to fulfill our commitments to clients with a clear understanding of the urgency and accountability inherent in those commitments.

Young people of Myanmar, the opportunity for better employment in Japan and overseas, we aim to temporary staffing that provides a fast and reliable service for our clients needs.

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cats in space
cats in space
cats in space
cats in space
cats in space
Myanmar Heart Land Travels & Tours
The meditation is a mental exercise practiced by a vast majority of Myanmar people. The Myanmar has a predominant place in the teachings of the meditation and especially the Vipassana meditation .
Buddhist monks in Myanmar (Burma), a striking spiritual contradiction to the existing military force. Their orange robes and shaved heads are instantly recognizable. But there are also about 20,000 Buddhist nuns who also shave their heads but wear pink robes instead of orange.May all beings be happy! May the women of the world make a special effort for progress on the path of sila, samadhi, and panna - virtue, mental calm, and insight. May peace prevail in the world.
These Karen groups reside primarily in These Karen groups reside primarily in Karen State, southern and southeastern Myanmar. The Karen make up approximately 7 percent of the total Burmese population with approximately 5 million people.[5] A large number of Karen have migrated to Thailand, having settled mostly on the Thailand–Myanmar border.
It is well-known that Myanmar is a largest country in Southeast Asia with 135 ethnic minorities in various regions. Among them, the 8 major races are Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Mon, Burma, Rakhine and Shan. All of them have their own regions, dialect, tradition, culture, legendary, own folklore, tales and accents. But the most attractive worn the majority of Myanmar people is Longyi of Burmese men and women. Â