Our Mission

We are an employment agency where we provide services to young adults of Myanmar in receiving better employment and opportunities in Myanmar and overseas. By providing best services,we are responsible to fulfill our commitments to clients with a clear understanding of the urgency and accountability inherent in those commitments.

Young people of Myanmar, the opportunity for better employment in Japan and overseas, we aim to temporary staffing that provides a fast and reliable service for our clients needs.

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cats in space
cats in space
cats in space
cats in space
cats in space

HR Resources

  • Human resources, there is no never too much to say that the left and right of the key to business success. We in the more than 30 years in Myanmar of Japanese companies, and the Myanmar representative that has been active as an expert of labor, about more than 20 years over serve the Japanese companies in Myanmar. And vast knowledge of the labor law of Myanmar, making full use of a wide range of networks that have been established for many years, will introduce the human resources of the best matching to everyone.
  • The dispatch of Japanese companies of Burmese human resources
    The human resources to meet the skills and corporate culture that everyone in the company needs, we are looking to leverage a wide range of network. It held a seminar to register human resources. Manners that are required by Japanese companies is also very hard in terms of the training,
  • Feeding of the Myanmar technical intern trainees to Japan
    The trainees will experience Japanese and lifestyle, and education manners and carefully, we will dispatch with responsibility. In particular, long-term care services for us to excel.
  • Introduction to Myanmar domestic companies in the region human resources
    We have taken more than one country and other companies in the same industry with the collaboration system of the region of Asia attractions at our company. For this reason, such as " hotel manager speaking Words", Myanmar and nationality and outside of Japan, we can introduce for human resources who can speak a particular language.
  • Employment support in the Japanese human resources Myanmar
    We will also introduce a job towards the Japanese people. On the contrary, we will stray to also to the consultation of the members of the company that you want to locally hire the Japanese in Myanmar.
  • Labor consultant on Myanmar employee
    Myanmar’s employment contract beginning, the creation of such as would tend to work rules committing a violation of the law unintentionally, such as responding to the labor laws to change from moment to moment, provide the appropriate support of the unique company to work longer in the field we will.

  • Three of the reasons why Myanmar human resources is noted
    Since the new birth of the government in 2011, Myanmar has opened ambitious the door to overseas and attracted national attention as the “Asia last frontier “. Especially, Obedience in concentrated hot line of sight to the Burmese human resources of the hard worker. Related law are also taking advantage of Myanmar human resources has in full swing in various forms.
    1. Sincere personality
    2. Myanmar, which boasts the goodness of the preeminent security which is not good as or better than in Japan. This is solely because of the teachings of Theravada Buddhism, which account for nearly 90% of the population. In Theravada Buddhism, for deeds in this world it is good or bad determines the life of the Hereafter, people the compassion to others in daily life, the caring for the weak, and pours generous compassion to animals. These day-to-day of stacking, honesty and serenity characterize the Myanmar’s personality, we have created a diligence.
    3. Language skills
    4. Once in was a British Myanmar thriving English education , to those who have received higher education not a few people who can speak English . It is also famous for learning speed of the Japanese is fast . In fact, the grammar of the Myanmar language , it is very similar to the Japanese . Just like some places or negative statement or affirmative sentence is not known until the end of the sentence . Also Myanmar 's personality Taker to a reading of the ambient air is to fit the Japanese , perhaps a certain relationship with the features of this language .
    5. Pro-Japanese
    6. The Yangon full of Japanese-made used cars that leave the painting of the Japanese , but with even eyes shop in which the Japanese to shop name . Japan for Myanmar people, longing of the country having a tip technology. In addition to independent father, General Aung San also sometimes was Japan to study for independence , there is a former prime minister and the common people to experience studying popularity of State CounsellorDawAung San SuuKyi in Japan , these things also to the sense of closeness to Japan It seems to have led .

2011年の新政権誕生以来、海外への門戸を意欲的に開いてきたミャンマーは、「アジア最後のフロンテイア」として各国の注目を集めています。とりわけ、従順で働き者のミャンマー人人材には熱い視線が集中。関連法律も整い、ミャンマー人人材の 活用が様々なかたちで本格化しています。ミャンマー人人材はなぜこれほど注目をあびているのでしょうか。


日本に勝るとも劣らぬ抜群の治安の良さを誇るミャンマー。これはひとえに、国民の9割近くを占める上 座部仏教の教えゆえ。上座部仏教では、現世での行いの良し悪しが来世の人生を決めるため、人びとは日常 生活の中で他者に思いやりを、弱者にはいたわりを、そして動物には慈 しみを惜しみなくふりそそぎます。こうした日々の積み重ねが、ミャンマー人の性格を特徴付ける誠実さや穏やかさ、勤勉さを生み出している のです。





Company Profile 会社概要

【社名】 ミャンマー&ワールドワイド.サービス株式会社
Myanmar and Worldwide Services Company Limited
【住所】Room No.601, Wizaya Plaza, Corner of Dhammazedi Rd. & U Wisara Rd., Bahan Township (11201), Yangon, Myanmar
【電話】(+95 9) 500 6305 / (+95 1) 501 784
【Fax】(+95 1) 501 784




Aye Aye Nyunt (April)


Waku Waku Japanese Academy
【住所】Room No.(101 & 402) , Wizaya Plaza , Corner Of Dhammazedi Rd. & U Wisara Rd. Bahan Township (11201) , Yangon , Myanmar.
【電話】(+95 9) 500 6305 / (+95 9) 333 92232 /(+95 9) 966 223 664
【基本金】約 4万USD

谷口裕子 Yuko Taniguchi

愛媛銀行退職後、1990年人材派遣会社 株式会社円クリエーション創業する。以来、6000人を超えるスタッフの、接客マナーを中心とした人材教育に携わってきた。外国人留学生のスタッフも多く在籍する中、現在はミャンマーでの日本語学校の運営にかかわり、来日する留学生や技能実習生の日本語レベルの向上や生活面での教育、来日後は組合や企業のサポートを精力的に行っている。また、ミャンマーの子供達の『学ぶ権利』のサポートをするため、小学校をつくるプロジェクトを愛媛の経営者で結成した。現在、実行委員長を務めている。




域内人材 のミャンマー国内企業への紹介


“わくわく日本語学院”はミャンマーヤンゴン市にて2016年に設立された学院です。東南アジアの中でも高い識字率を誇るミャンマーは、同じアジアの国の中でも昔から縁の深い、そして同じ仏教国でもある日本に対し、多くの若者が憧れ、日本をそして日本の文化、言葉、芸術を学びたい心を持っています。ミャンマーの将来を担う若者たちの夢、それを私達WAKUWAKU JAPANESE ACADEMYは、実現に向けるサポートを行っています。

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